The installation of the mussel monitoring stations has been finalized. The system on the pile of the bridge has been made operative on 31st March 2022 just before the occurrence of a flood event (maximum water level =2.73 m). Preliminary results based on the comparison between the median mussels’ opening (0%=closed, 100%=open, figure on the…
Author: silvia
Cages installation in the Paglia River section
The cages with the mussels for the analysis of the effects of hydrodynamic on the biosensors in a natural environment have been installed in Orvieto site (1-2 February 2022).
New Publication
F. Bahmanpouri, S. Barbetta, C. Gualtieri, M. Ianniruberto, N. Filizola, D. Termini, T. Moramarco, Prediction of river discharges at confluences based on Entropy theory and surface-velocity measurements, Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 127404, ISSN 0022-1694,